Melanie Dretvic on Unsplash
We all started a story 6 months ago on October 16th, 2020, the New Moon that day was at 23°. As 23 added together equals five and 2021 added together, also equals 5 in numerology the number 5 is the number of CHANGE and 23 is the number of LIFE. This was the beginning of a desire for freedom and a want to explore and enjoy life to the fullest. We may have experienced a push for change or some knudges for growth in certain areas of our life. Perhaps even big events have tainted or blessed our life for some much needed adjustments. We’ve all experienced it on some level, regardless of the trajectory of this collective revising. It was an invitation to manifest your ideas in the physical world, to better aspects of your life that were not flowing or serving your highest potential. It was a six month upgrade, if you will, we experienced 5 consecutive New Moons at this same 23° and on the 13th we have our 6th to end THIS cycle.
What’s most interesting is that CHANGE is the theme of 2021, Uranus (Great Awakener) is calling for it throughout the year, as it squares (a challenge) Saturn in Aquarius. The Old versus the New. I believe that our six month beginning was the opening, the initiator of what’s to come this year, having had a view through this window mid February, the 17th to be exact. What came up for us in February is going to be the flavor of our year. Keep in mind that this is all for our greatest good, and that when it feels difficult and frustrating (I certainly am getting my fair share of this) to lean into it. A great practice for these changing times is to get out of our head and into our body, and ground as much as possible.
This New Moon is in compassionate watery Pisces, involving matters to inner peace and connectedness. As a mutable sign, Pisces mediates change and often helps others through transition, igniting our deep intuition, our full presence, and connection with our higher power. We may experience more active dreams and/or remember dreams when this is usually uncommon. If we haven’t done the work over the last six months then we may be experiencing and handling unresolved experiences. It’s a time of deep rest and meditation, which guides us out of our minds, into our bodies, as previously mentioned.
This is the most favorable moon of the year full of deep love principles as we forge towards harmony and balance bringing our worth to the forefront. We have Neptune (Higher self), Venus (beauty), the Sun (our Soul), and the Moon ( Instincts) all conjoining their energies to develop our artistic, spiritual and creative nature to realize our truest potential and find deep inspiration.
We have a decision to make here, we are at a crossroads. It’s time to decide if we move forward facing our shadows so we can shine our light or will we continue to replay the old story. With a T-square present in Fire, Air, and water we are once again being reminded to release in the earth element. This is where we find the key to salvation and inner alignment.
This New Moon calls for lifting the veil of the unknown within envisioning what is possible and seeking our truth, our essence. To believe and have faith in (re)connecting to something larger than ourselves.